About This Content All aboard!The Biker Heist Pack is the 34th DLC pack for PAYDAY 2. The Biker Heist Pack comes with a two day Heist, weapons, masks, patterns, materials and 6 new achievements.A TWO DAY HEISTThe Elephant is after something, and Rust is the key to get it. But Quid Pro Quo rules in this dog-eat-dog world, so Rust won’t just give it away as a wrapped gift. Instead he seeks some help himself.LION'S DEN - Rust’s old home. The clubhouse of the OVERKILL MC. And also the location of his precious and, unfortunately dismantled - bike. The PAYDAY gang pays a visit to this rowdy place of illegal activities and beer chugging, where they need to free a certain mechanic. They’ll face both angry, betrayed bikers and plenty of cops. As the well known sh*t hits the diesel fueled fan, the PAYDAY gang needs to piece the bike back together and get out.INTERCEPTION - For the first time ever, Dallas and the rest of the crew are invited to the next level of “fast-paced” action. As Rust sits on information about some precious cargo that’s worth more than one can muster, the crew embarks on a little trip. Well onboard you’ll get to meet Rust’s old biker buds again together with air dropped cops. All moving at 60 mph.SMG: CR 805B - A new secondary SMG is part of the Biker Heist Pack - called CR 805B.WEAPON MODS - The CR 805B comes with two weapon mods, a long barrel and short barrel, that’ll add some much appreciated stability.THROWING AXE - A brand new, sharp Throwable Axe.MASK - Four new masks with their origin in the biker world. Flaming Skull, The Classic, Speed Devil, Road RagePATTERNS + MATERIALS - Four new materials comes with the Biker Heist Pack, inspired by everything from rubber and gasoline.MUSIC - Two brand new tracks from the one and only Simon Viklund.ACHIEVEMENTS - The Biker Heists come with six new achievements! 6d5b4406ea Title: PAYDAY 2: The Biker HeistGenre: Action, RPGDeveloper:OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.Publisher:505 GamesRelease Date: 16 Jun, 2016 PAYDAY 2: The Biker Heist Full Crack [hacked] Day 2 of this heist is \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ing awesome. Wait for a sale like many of the DLC.. The Biker Heists aren't what I expected at all, I was kinda expecting a heist for us to wipe out all the Overkill MCs (The Bike Gang) and their connections, kinda like what happened with Hotline Miami, however I was wrong and we got a fetch quest for Day 1 and a straight line for Day 2.Day 1 takes place at a biker club, where Rust's friend is being beaten up, you have to rescue him and get Rust's bike repaired by doing objectives and defending Rust's friend, like obtaining the seat, the chrome skull on the front, or have Rust's friend take parts of other bikes, then at the end you drive the bikes to the escape.It's a very simple Day, it's sort of like a loud version of Car Shop, a bit of waiting and a massive dash to the exit.Day 2 takes place on a train where you have to steal a important headset for Bain, pretty much you run a straight line, kill cops and Overkill MCs too, and a boss at the end, then you rush back to the chopper. Very lackluster and a let down of a Day 2, I mean imagine you had to kill the Commisar in Hotline Miami and the heist lasted under 5 mins with no build up or a russian idiot taunting you, that's this heist.However Day 2 adds 2 very intresting things, the first thing being cars which drive aside the train, these contain cops that attack you, and you can shoot at them including the driver to send the car flying to it's death!However the coolest thing is the Chopper with a turret, seriously it's awesome to fight against and I will love to see it again someday.The heists overall are ok, they could be improved in many areas, but they are fun in the end.The new throwable is just a faster firing Javalin, and I don't really find a use for them besides just feeling badass while using them, it's handy though to kill a Cloaker while your out of ammo in your guns, plus it feels badass to use this in stealth too.The CR SMG is a sidegrade to the Krinkov SMG, when you build them in a simlar way, they will have simlar stats except some stats are different, for an example my SMGs are built for pure damage, the Krink has higher threat and accuracy, while the CR has a higher fire rate, overall it has very high damage by default and low ammo by default, and it works pretty well with the Breaker 12G from the character pack.Now here is my biggest issue... the bikes themselves...In Day 1 you drive the bikes to the escape... AND THEY SOUND NOTHING LIKE A HARLEY DAVIDSON!In the Trailer they used a Harley, and ingame while not Harley's, their names are a parody of them, so when I first saw these, I thought "They better sound like them, I mean come on! All the vehicles in the game so far sound brillant!"The bikes sound horrible until you build up quite some speed, and even then they sound decent, THAT'S NOT HOW A HARLEY WORKS!HERE IS WHAT HARLEY SOUNDS LIKE!https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=9YcQx3M3gvIhttps:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2zW3XzDy_D8https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yALPfx8jr9USee Harleys are supposed to be monsterously loud all the way through, and the bikes in this heist fail at this too much.Long ago my father owned 3 Harleys, he owned a Black Fat Boy, a Blue Electra Glide and a 1942 Flathead, all 3 of these bikes were monsterous, they were loud, they would wake up the entire neighbourhood, and they were all awesome, when I was younger he would take me out to a Milk Bar with his Electra Glide and oh my god it was amazing, the noise, the views and I just felt so badass!I was hoping these bikes would give me those happy memories again... sadly they didn't and the bikes aren't Harleys, Overkill you seriously disapointed me with the bikes.The masks are alright, a lot more stronger then previous masks we have got as DLC.Achievements are a nice mix of easy and challenging, however 2 of them relay on RNG which I don't like at all.Overall wait for a sale, this heist could be much more better, but as it is it's a lot of fun, but could be improved a lot, and the weapons while good, could be better too.. The heist itself is a fun thing, the first day is longer then the second day. It's got alot going on as you have to defend\/help a mechanic make a motorcycle while optionally collecting the various loot left by the bikers. Day 2 is an exciting literal train heist going for some experimental military technology. It can be very short if one rushes it but longer if you go for all loot bags. Overall it's a fun heist though the bikes you can drive for a moment on day 1 handle like ...bad.....you are better off running. The SMG, Bren carbine, added is well...frankly one of the best weapons straight out of the box. If a newbie wanted a really good weapon and they are struggling for weapon card drops, this weapon can tie them over quite well. Though, the most glaring con about it is the very low ammo pool. The masks are neat and if you like the whole biker theme thing then you will definitely approve. Overall, this is a pretty good DLC. Would I recommend it for 7 dollars? Not really, but that's your choice. But on sale? Most definitely.. I give it a 100. good heist get it on sale though \u00a34.99 is too much for a single mission day 1 is dificult day 2 much easier. Underrated! Has a cowboy feel to it and day 2 is really damn cool. The throwing axe is outclassed by knife and javelin. SMG is cool I guess but no one uses SMG to begin with aside from micro uzi and tatonka.. Ride of the valkaries plays on day 2
PAYDAY 2: The Biker Heist Full Crack [hacked]
Updated: Mar 25, 2020